David Hollenstein

David Hollenstein

David Hollenstein

Student / Programme Comparative and International Studies MA

ETH Zürich

Professur für Europäische Politik

IFW D 41.2

Haldeneggsteig 4

8092 Zürich


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David is a graduate student in the MACIS programme at the GESS department of ETH Zurich and research assistant in the EUROPE RE project. He holds a BA in Political Science (with a focus on European integration) and a BSc in Business and Economics (focussing on microeconomics and behavioural economics) from the University of Innsbruck.

His studies and research are motivated by an interest in understanding the individual-level mechanisms whose aggregation shapes the broader political dynamics we observe in everyday life. This includes topics such as political communication, politicization, or the individual-level consequences of prolonged violent conflict. Using the broader opportunities of studying social science from a very quantitative point of view, using the opportunities of more technical faculties at ETH, David aims to apply strategies from other fields to deepen insights into political processes and thus (hopefully) bring new insights to the field of social science.


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